Stuff - A Very Descriptive Title

I added another submitted aniamtion by the elusive "MikeV". He seems to be improving exponentially. Also, in celebration of my site's birthday, I've decided to put some REALLY old animations up.

Overkill (The oldest animation I have)

Shafted (The second oldest)

Jet (Not as old, but funny. Requires Shockwave Player.)

Enjoy the crap!

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New Submissions

New submissions are on the Submitted Page Some are good, some are ok, but they're all worth a view. I'm glad I finally got a chance to put them up. And as a note to all you potential submitters out there, I only put GOOD animations up, so dont feel bad when I reject them. For all of you worthwhile submitters out there, good job! Read more…

Holy Crap!

I forgot! May 8th is my site's birthday! My site has been around is some form or on some server or another since May 8th, 2001! My site is 2 years old! That also means I've been animating for about two and a half years! I feel old. Read more…

The Synopsis

I finsished writing about my Spain trip. Read all aboutit here:


Its a long read. Don't forget to comment!

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Yo He Regresado

Im back. Ooog. I'll write a big long thing about the trip tommorrow (today). I need sleep. Read more…


I'm going away for a couple weeks. I'm just too busy lately. Plus, in a few days I'm leaving to go to Spain for a week and a half. The work I have to to to get caught up and ahead of my classes is humungoenormous. So I cannot be online for 2 weeks. If you really need/want to contact me e-mail me. There is also a slight chance that I might be online in the next few days. So Boke, looks like you'll have to entertain yourslef some other way, and Logan, make sure no one mutilates teh forum.

On the upper note, Shorts 11-15 is nearly completed, I'm just wating for 1 voiced line (you know who you are), and I have 1 more short to complete. It should be finished promptly upon my return.

So long!

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Teh site.

This kid made this incredibly awesome site, so awesome that I just HAD to host it.... http://www.aeflash.com/cliche Hahahaha... Read more…

New Crap

New submitted animation: A Walk in the Neighborhood. It's an ok animation, hopefully the guy will do better in the future, but it's still interesting. Also, TheBoke is redesigning his site, well, with my help. I think I can also set him up his own news also. Read more…