Jim Mundane awoke from his daily slumber at 4:57:34.116 PM just as the sun was rising to the north on this warm December day. He poked his head out the moldy oversize banana peel that he had called home for the night to discover that the he was floating 31,415.926 feet above the ground. He wrenched himself free from the sticky gooey mess of the peel and struggled to the top of the banana to see who had done such a rude thing to his castle. Not much to his surprise he found the banana held by the neighborhood pack of flying raccoons. "YOU STUPID COONS!!!" he spat at the group at which they replied, "Chk! Chk! Grrrrrrrrrr, ack yap HSSSSS!!!" Enraged at such a derogatory comment to his mother, Jim picked up a pistol and box of bullets he found conveniently in a mass of mold and yelled "Take that!!" as he opened the box of bullets and started throwing them at the flying mongrels, who flinched an starting growling more loudly. Once his supply of bullets was depleted he took the pistol and started beating the paws of the raccoons until they released the decomposing flesh of the banana. As Jim fell with his re-conquered home he shot back at the pack "YEAH!! YOU KNOW WHO'S BOSS!!!" and shook his fist in an attempt to look menacing.

Flustered by such a rude awakening of the day Jim almost forgot that he was falling rapidly towards somewhat certain doom. He reached into his pocket and to his relief he found a candle, a spoon, and a thimble-full of corn oil. Jim quickly fashioned a jetpack from this conglomeration of objects and soon was hovering peacefully among the clouds. Saddened at the separation from his pristine living accommodations he realized that he had never slept in a better place. The disappointment of his loss was then met by the joy of getting his buttocks singed by his jetpack. With this invigorating blast he realized that his fuel would run out in precisely 5038.23957 kiloseconds unless he either landed or fashioned some more fuel using the candle, spoon, and thimble-full of corn oil, or using a device made from the candle, spoon, and thimble-full of corn oil.

Shockingly, Jim decided to land. Unfortunately, Jim's jetpack went out of control and he crashed into a pool full of gelatin at 341.435 picoliters per kilowatt-hour. Once Jim ate himself out of the pool and separated himself form his malfunctioning jetpack he found that the pool was not actually a pool of gelatin, but rather the cornea of a large disc shaped creature that measured 17.6 rods by 762,348,957.54 picas. More unbelievable than the sheer size of this creature was its infestation of walking-snakes. These were no ordinary walking-snakes, they were the kind that shoots acid spores that cause people to be more vulnerable to damage and lower their rate of fire. Not only that, they also make a high pitched grunting sound that causes people (and also some of the nearby snakes) to explode due to the high frequency. Normally you Read more…


There is a new submitted animation: "Gauntlet"

Also, I'm working on a platform type game. You can see a preview here: CLICK Originally I was making a Course game, but then I decided to make it Unknown-themed instead. Here are the controls:

Arrow keys: Move
Space: Jump

R: Reset

S: Shoot rope (you have to hold)

D/F: Retract/Extend Rope

The rope gun is rather buggy and too Course-like and will be left out of the final game, but it still is cool.

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There's a short little anim up: Short 16. P.S.: It's short.

But the main question I wanted to ask is, should I redesign AEFlash? It's been 6-7 months since I redesigned an I grow weary of its current design. I would keep all the same pages, just change the layout, the way it looks and the way the site works. So, should I redesign this site? E-mail me your opinions or simply reply to this post.

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Affiliates added!

I added the new affilates to the affiliates page and to the random rotator on the bottom of the screen. Im to lazt to add links, but they are:

Stick-Kui www.stick-kui.tk

Xtreme Flash www.xtreme-flash.com

AKS9 www.aks9.com

Negative Shock www.negativeshock.com

FingerSticks www.fingersticks.tk

SystemX Studio www.systemxstudio.com

and Power Fusion www.power-fusion.com

Also, on the affiliates page I added a rating next to each affiliate expressed in stars (a la StickSlaughter). The rating is just the overall quality of the site multiplied by the content to produce a somewhat random score that may or not mean anything. And also as a note, I am basically closed for new affiliates until I have a good reason to change, so don't ask, or if you do ask it could be months before you're added or years.

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Untitled 3


New animation in the animations section. It is titled "Untitled 3". (Wait, that doesnt make any sense.) Anway, I think it tunred out nice. The music is by me, if you're wondering.

Yes, the affiliate contest is still on--yes it has turned into a contest. The best five sites at the end of next week will be added. That makes the deadline Monday, June 30th. So e-mail me about your site!

Also, be sure to have an 88x31 banner for me (preferably a gif or jpeg, but I will accept a flash banner).

Also, in other news, TheBoke lost his internet connection due to a financial blunder and so he'll be out of the picture for a month or two. Not like he did anything anyway...

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Due to a change in an affiliate im having to make changes to my whole affiliate system. In the past I was reluctant to add more affiliates jsut because how tedious it was to add them. Since I'm goign to be messing around with them anyway, I am opening the door for more affiliates. So:


E-Mail Me

I would have posted this earlier but my news poster-izer broke and it took me a week to figure out how to fix it!! Oh well, at least it works now. The strange thing is I have no idea what caused it to fail. Also, I have a short little test anim up in the animations section: FBF Action Test. ENJOI!!11

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WHOO!! No more school for 11 weeks! I'll finally have time to do think I want to, rather than things i have to. I'll also have much more time to animate. I have a few projects in store, and I'll try to make short little things on a regular basis to keep you entertained.

But alas! Tommorrow I'm getting my wisdom teeth yanked so I'll be out of it and on drugs and in bed for a few days, unable to do anything. It could be good, a nice way to rest and unwind after a hectic school year. But on the other hand, it will delay my projects. Oh well, maybe I'll come up with some good ideas in my Vikadin-induced stupor.

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SHORTS 11-15!!!

ITS DONE!! SHORTS 11-15 IS DONE!!! Check the animations page RIGHT NOW!! I would consider this the best set of animations I've ever made! Post your comments in a reply to this entry; it's easy and just a click away! Read more…